There are several filters you can use to control and customize what the Term Management plugin does.
Action that runs after each selected term has been merged into the target term, and the source term has been deleted. Runs during a Merge operation.
* Action that runs after each selected term has been merged into the target term, and the source term has
* been deleted.
* @since 1.1.2
* @param \WP_Term $to_term_obj The term into which others are merged.
* @param \WP_Term $old_term The term object before merging. At this point, it has been deleted.
do_action( 'term_management_tools_term_merged', $to_term_obj, $old_term );
Action that runs after the selected terms have had their taxonomy changed. Runs at the very end of a taxonomy change operation.
* Action that runs after the selected terms have had their taxonomy changed.
* @since 1.1.4
* @param array $term_ids_to_move__csv CSV of term taxonomy IDs of the moved terms. Why CSV? Thats what was there before.
* @param string $taxonomy_to The target taxonomy.
* @param string $taxonomy_from The source taxonomy.
do_action( 'term_management_tools_term_changed_taxonomy', $term_ids_to_move__csv, $taxonomy_to, $taxonomy_from );
Filter provides access to the term list before any child terms have been found and added. Runs during a taxonomy change operation.
* Filter provides access to the term list before any child terms have been found.
* @param array $term_ids_to_move List of term IDs to be moved.
* @param string $taxonomy_to The target taxonomy.
* @param string $taxonomy_from The source taxonomy.
* @retun array List of term to be moved.
*@since 2.0.0
$term_ids = apply_filters( 'term_management_tools_changed_taxonomy__terms_list_as_supplied', $term_ids, $taxonomy_to, $taxonomy_from );
Filter provides access to the term list after any child terms have been found and added. Runs during a taxonomy change operation.
* Filter provides access to the complete list of terms to be moved, including all child terms.
* @param array $term_ids_to_move List of term IDs to be moved.
* @param string $taxonomy_to The target taxonomy.
* @param string $taxonomy_from The source taxonomy.
* @retun array List of term IDs to be moved.
*@since 2.0.0
$term_ids = apply_filters( 'term_management_tools_changed_taxonomy__terms_list_as_supplied', $term_ids, $taxonomy_to, $taxonomy_from );
Filter provides access to the hierarchical terms for which parentage is to be adjusted after a change in taxonomy. Runs during a taxonomy change operation.
* Filter to provide access to the hierarchical terms for which parentage is to be adjusted after a change
* in taxonomy.
* @param array $term_ids_to_move List of term IDs to be moved.
* @param string $taxonomy_from The source taxonomy.
* @param array $terms_to_reset_parentage_for List of term IDs to be moved.
* @return array List of term taxonomy IDs of the moved terms.
*@since 2.0.0
$terms_to_reset_parentage_for = apply_filters( 'term_management_tools_changed_taxonomy__reset_parent_for', $terms_to_reset_parentage_for, $term_ids_to_move, $taxonomy_from );