There are several filters you can use to control and customize Mandatory Excerpts.
Allows you to set which post types this plugin will actually apply to. Used by Gutenberg and Classic Editor.
* Adjust the post types for which the excerpt would be required.
* @param array $this->reset_these_status {
* If the post has any of these post types, the post will be checked for a valid excerpt.
* Default is [ 'post', 'page' ]
* @type string A valid post type
* }
* @since 1.0.0
$valid_post_types = apply_filters( 'mandatory_excerpt_post_types', array( 'post', 'page' ) );
If a post has any of these status’ and the excerpt is not set, the post status will be reset to ‘draft’. Used by Classic Editor only.
* After it has been determined that the excerpt is required but missing, if the post's status is one of these
* then it will be reset to 'draft'.
* @param array $this->reset_these_status {
* If the post has any of these status' the post status will be reset to 'draft'.
* Default is [ 'publish', 'future', 'pending' ]
* @type string A valid post status
* }
* @since 1.0.0
$reset_these_status = apply_filters( 'mandatory_excerpt_reset_these_status', $this->reset_these_status );
If a post has any of these status’ the check for the excerpt will be skipped. Used by Classic Editor only.
* Adjust the post status types that will will cause the check for the excerpt to be skipped.
* @param array $this->skip_these_status {
* If the post has any of these status' the check for the excerpt will be skipped.
* Default is [ 'trash', 'draft', 'auto-draft' ]
* @type string A valid post status
* }
* @since 1.0.0
$skip_these_status = apply_filters( 'mandatory_excerpt_skip_these_status', $this->skip_these_status );